Head Office
Insurance Approved Contractors
Contact Us

To comply with data protection regulations 2018, we are unable to store and use your information unless you give us your permission. Please select Yes to allow this. View our data protection policy for details.

Preservation Banner
Alliance comprises of a skilled team of Surveyors and Technicians all specialising in the treatment and eradication of:
  • Woodworm
  • Wet and Dry Rot
  • Rising and penetrating damp
  • Condensation

Request For A Callback

If you would like to speak directly with one of our experts, please request a callback by filling out the form below.

Provide your contact details and a member of our team will get back to you promptly. We are here to assist you with any questions, provide expert advice, and discuss your property maintenance needs.

Full Name *
Phone *
Email Address *
Day *
Type of Enquiry
Select Service: [1 or more Services must be selected]

To comply with data protection regulations 2018, we are unable to store and use your information unless you give us your permission. Please select Yes to allow this. View our data protection policy for details.

It's easy to
get in touch

Request Survey
[email protected]
Maidenplain Ind Est, Aberuthven, Perthshire, PH3 1EL