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Our Fire Damage Restoration Service in Scotland

Experiencing a fire is a devastating event for both homeowners and business proprietors. The destructive impact affects not only treasured possessions but also significant parts of the property. 

If your home has been affected, Alliance's fire damage specialists in Perth, Dundee, and Fife are here to assist you in returning to normal life as swiftly and safely as possible. 

Safety remains the top priority in the aftermath of a fire. Re-entering a fire-damaged property can be dangerous due to electrical and structural hazards. Wet materials, such as those used to extinguish the flames, become exceedingly heavy, posing an additional risk. In such circumstances, it's crucial to rely on the expertise of fire damage professionals to guide you through the recovery process. 


Our comprehensive fire damage restoration process 

Restoration after a fire is a job best entrusted to professionals because fire damage extends beyond what meets the eye. Smoke, for instance, can infiltrate structural cavities, causing hidden damage and persistent odours. Fires can also release harmful chemicals that adhere to surfaces, posing health risks. 

Our reliable fire damage specialists understand the need to not only clean but also ensure a safe environment for all.

When you've experienced a fire, you can trust our fire restoration experts to:

  • Arrive on-site within 24 hours of your initial call. 
  • Assess your property and provide a comprehensive damage report within 24 hours. 
  • Proceed with the approved restoration plan, restoring your property to current building standards using qualified trades. 
  • Decontaminate, deodorize, clean, and restore your property. 
  • Decorate affected areas to your specifications. 
  • Provide new floor coverings. 
  • Advise on or undertake the restoration of personal and household items. 
  • Arrange emergency accommodation if needed. 
  • Strive to ensure your swift and safe return to your home or business. 

Alliance is headquartered in Perth, Scotland, and offers services across the country, covering regions like Perth and Kinross, Stirling, Clackmannanshire, Fife, Dundee, Angus, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen City, and Aberdeenshire. 

Primary causes and types of fire and smoke damage in homes 

Fire damage can result from various sources, including electrical faults, cooking accidents, heating equipment malfunctions, and more. Different types of fire damage include structural damage, soot and smoke damage, and damage to personal belongings. 

Primary causes of fire damage 

  • Electrical faults: Electrical issues are a common cause of residential fires. Overloaded circuits, faulty wiring, and malfunctioning electrical appliances can spark fires. Regular electrical maintenance and inspection are crucial for prevention. 
  • Cooking accidents: Unattended cooking and grease fires are prevalent causes of home fires. It's essential to exercise caution in the kitchen, never leaving stovetops or ovens unattended, and keeping flammable materials away from heat sources. 
  • Heating equipment malfunctions: Furnaces, space heaters, and wood-burning stoves are essential for keeping homes warm but can also pose fire hazards. Malfunctions or improper use can lead to fires. Regular maintenance, proper ventilation, and following safety guidelines are essential. 
  • Candles and open flames: The open flames of candles and fireplaces, when left unattended or placed too close to flammable materials, can result in fires. Always exercise caution when using open flames and extinguish them before leaving the room. 
  • Smoking materials: Cigarettes, cigars, and other smoking materials can ignite fires if not properly extinguished. Smoking outside, using proper receptacles for disposal, and ensuring no residual embers are critical for safety. 
  • Appliance malfunctions: Household appliances, such as washing machines, dryers, and refrigerators, can malfunction and spark fires. Regular appliance maintenance and proper usage are vital to prevent such incidents. 

The health and structural implications of fire damage 

Fire damage goes beyond what's visible. Smoke can infiltrate structural cavities, and fires can release harmful chemicals. This poses health risks, especially for individuals with respiratory issues. Additionally, structural elements can be compromised by fire and water damage. 

Smoke and soot: Cleaning, deodorizing, and repairing 

Smoke and soot damage are common consequences of fires. Cleaning, deodorising, and repairing affected areas are crucial steps in the restoration process.

Immediate steps to take after a fire 

Experiencing a house fire is an emotionally overwhelming event. Despite the distress, swift action is crucial once the fire is extinguished to prevent further harm to your home. Delaying can result in additional damage, such as rainwater infiltration or mould growth, which may escalate repair costs. 

Here's what you should do immediately after a fire: 

  1. Contact your insurance company: Notify your insurance company as soon as possible to report the fire and receive guidance on the next steps. They may advise you on safeguarding your property, documenting the damage, and connecting with a specialised fire damage restoration company. 
  2. Ensure thorough inspection: When insurance adjusters assess the fire damage in your home, ensure they conduct a comprehensive examination. The goal is to uncover and include all damage in your initial fire damage claim. Areas that should be inspected include: 
  • Roof: Check for potential damage caused by burning embers or moisture, including underlying wood and shingles. 
  • Siding and stucco: Examine for damage caused by the fire's heat, such as melting siding or cracked stucco. 
  • Windows: Inspect window frames for signs of melting or blistering, glass warping, or discolouration resulting from the fire's heat. 
  • Plumbing and heating: Assess potential fire-related damage to pipes, ducts, soldering, or connectors. 
  • Interior walls and framing: In some cases, it may be necessary to remove the wallboard to inspect the framing or check for mould growth. 

Acting promptly and ensuring a comprehensive inspection are essential steps to initiate the recovery process after a fire. This approach helps address all potential sources of damage and ensures a more effective restoration and repair process. 

Fire prevention tips


Kitchen safety

Stay in the kitchen when using the stovetop or broiler.

Grill safety

Keep grills at least 10 feet away from your house's siding or deck.

Appliance cord maintenance

Replace frayed or worn appliance cords.

Space heater caution

Use portable space heaters with care, keeping flammable items at least 3 feet away. Choose heaters with safety features.

Secure matches and lighters

Store matches and lighters out of children's reach or in a locked cabinet.

Candle safety

Always stay in the room when burning a candle, and never leave children alone with a lit candle.

Wood stove and chimney care

Clean and inspect wood stove pipes and chimneys annually.

Fireplace responsibility

Ensure a fireplace fire is fully extinguished before going to bed or leaving home.

Smoke alarms

Install smoke alarms as your early warning system for fires

Check alarms monthly

Test alarms monthly and replace batteries at least once a year.

Proper placement

Install smoke alarms in each bedroom and outside sleeping areas. Place alarms on every level, including the basement. Position the kitchen smoke alarm at least 10 feet away from the stove to prevent false alarms.

Cost of fire damage restoration

The expense associated with fire damage restoration hinges on several factors, primarily the size of the affected area and the extent of the damage. When the restoration necessitates the replacement of high-value items like kitchen cabinets and appliances, the costs can escalate rapidly. 

Before finalising an agreement with a restoration company, it is crucial to request an itemised breakdown of all the services and expenses included. This detailed summary will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the scope of work you are undertaking, ensuring transparency and informed decision-making. 

Why choose our fire and smoke restoration services in Perth? 

Selecting the right fire and smoke restoration services is essential to ensure the successful recovery of your property. Alliance provides expert services to help you restore your home or business safely and efficiently. 

A fire damage restoration company, such as Alliance, specialises in aiding individuals in recovering from the aftermath of a fire. These companies provide a comprehensive range of services, including: 

  • Securing the property: Immediate actions often include boarding up the house and applying roof tarps to shield it from potential weather-related damage following the fire. 
  • Damage assessment: The restoration professionals conduct a thorough inspection of all areas within the property to evaluate the extent of damage caused by fire, smoke, soot, and water. 
  • Water extraction and drying: Swift drying of the premises is critical to prevent the growth of mould and mildew. To achieve this, the company utilises large air movers (giant fans) and dehumidifiers to remove excess moisture. 
  • Smoke and soot removal: Specialised equipment is employed by restoration experts to effectively remove smoke and soot residues from various surfaces. 
  • Cleaning: A wide range of cleaning techniques is applied to restore salvageable items within the property. 
  • Restoration: When licensed for home improvement services, the restoration company can address minor repairs like wallboard replacement and carpet installation. Additionally, they may undertake more extensive projects, such as room rebuilding. 

Enlisting the services of a professional fire damage restoration company is vital for ensuring the swift and effective recovery of your property after a fire, safeguarding against further damage and returning your home to a habitable condition. 

Call Alliance today at 01764 663107 for more information regarding our fire damage restoration services.

  • 30 Year Guarantee
  • Delta membrane systems
  • Koster

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Maidenplain Ind Est, Aberuthven, Perthshire, PH3 1EL